"Paprika restaurant Rahim Yar khan"
"Paprika restaurant Rahim Yar khan"
is Only the best Family fine finding restaurant in the area with excellent ambience, wide parking, Kids' Play Area, Rooftop, and a variety of foods, Dining Formats are A La carte, Buffet, Take Away, and Delivery.
is Only the best Family fine finding restaurant in the area with excellent ambience, wide parking, Kids' Play Area, Rooftop, and a variety of foods, Dining Formats are A La carte, Buffet, Take Away, and Delivery.
Delivery /Take Aways : 03045888899, 03045888112, 0685888889, 0685888883
Other Info / Bookings /Events: 03045888113, 03045888114, 03049598899, 03008618810
For Complaints:03067613737,03017618332
Delivery /Take Aways : 03045888899, 03045888112, 0685888889, 0685888883
Other Info / Bookings /Events: 03045888113, 03045888114, 03049598899, 03008618810
For Complaints:03067613737,03017618332